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Where in the world is Winnie Now: In Connecticut, Enjoying Her Retirement


My baby girl retired on Mother’s Day. She gave me her best for close to six years, but I think I wore her out. Over the past few months, her ability to maintain focus when we were out and about waned. Sometimes, we’d be out doing errands and she’d just look at me because she didn’t want the responsibility of getting me home safely. It took me a while, but I came to terms with her reality and made arrangements to bring her to her retirement destination, Connecticut, to the same dog whisperer who cared for Maggie after she retured. It was a bittersweet trip, to fly her back east, then make my way home with my trusty white cane.

Winnie’s last set of chores was to get me through three airports on the way home. Here, she waits in the Redmond airport, as we wait to head out of Oregon. From there we made out way to Phoenix, to Dallas, and finally, to Hartford, Connecticut.


It was a long trip for both of us.


But transfer day came, and guess what, it turned out to be a great afternoon spent in my friend’s (who takes my guide dogs) neighborhood. It was a georgeous New England Day and we all chilled with family and friends, and a couple of dogs. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to be when I had to walk away alone that night.


First off, Winnie has a sister, Charlie, a three-month-old golden retriever. I was a little worried Winnie would go “girls gone wild” when she met a frisky puppy. But she immediately put Charlie in her place, as an older, well-trained dog should!


The two got along great from the beginning.


The picture above was taken after I said my last good-bye. But a mom always needs reassurance her baby girl is adjusting to her new life. I think she’s getting the hang of things!


Goodbye, sweet girl. I love you so, so much.

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